Nature Deficit Disorder

ARTICLES | Mar 03, 2021
Nature Deficit Disorder

Children who lack contact with nature are at risk of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, ADHD. Parents who keep their children at home to protect them from outdoor hazards have triggered Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD).

Most modern children rarely experience nature as previous generations did. This trend may be because there are fewer urban green spaces. We tend to stay in buildings and relax with technology rather than outdoor activities. Richard Louv, author of "Last Child in the Woods", describes how children who grow up without connecting to nature suffer behavioral and psychological problems. In the UK, 3 in 4 children spend less time outdoors than prisoners, and more than 1 in 9 never visit a forest, beach, or natural environment in 12 months, according to research in 2016.

Implications for the future

 Perspectives on nature will change from previous generations. But a new service model can encourage people to live in harmony with nature. Urban developments can feature more green areas and nature can be added to school curriculums and childcare courses.

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