School without teachers

ARTICLES | Mar 15, 2021
School without teachers

Ways of teaching and learning in schools will likely change in the future. AI-based teaching assistants and internet-based learning are set to develop and bring radical transformations.

Online programming schools Ecole 42, Hive, and Mitra are examples of new types of schools with few real teachers. Using the internet and solving problems in real time are taking off and may replace conventional teachers. Graduates of Ecole 42 in Paris find work swiftly, highlighting its effectiveness. Schools with its approach are becoming more widespread in countries including Finland, Indonesia, Russia, and South Africa.

Implications for the future

- All teaching and education-related jobs could be automated from elementary level upwards.

- More efficient teaching using AI helps schools develop fast and robotic teaching assistants will be common by 2030.

- Web-based teaching and smart software may become cheaper and more personalized, making schools the leading online companies by 2030, according to some futurists.

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