4-day working week

ARTICLES | Aug 07, 2020
4-day working week

A 4-day working week – a dream that might come true!

It’s really starting to look possible. During the COVID-19 crisis, many companies around the world changed the way they work. Lots of people are now working from home. And their employers have often found they work just as well as, or even better than, when they came into the office every day.

This context has reinforced the possibility of a 4-day working week, to improve employee happiness in exchange for more efficient work, so that the same work is done in less time for the same pay.

Research suggests a shorter working week is not only better for employees, but for employers too.

One country has already accepted the idea: New Zealand. The Prime Minister believes that an extra rest day will help restore tourism and help employees enjoy better work-life balance. Ultimately, though, the decision is up to the employer.

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