3 Generations X Y Z

ARTICLES | Jan 22, 2022
3 Generations X Y Z

Each generation has its own events and stories that distinguish them as much as age. They’re also different types of people. Let's compare the characteristics of Gen X, GenY, and Gen Z.

In Thailand, Gen X make up 25.31% of the people, Gen Y 23.38%, and Gen Z 19.94%. The remaining 31.37% are Baby Boomers or Alphas and other generations. The numbers clearly show how older adults will outnumber newborns as the country becomes an aging society.

So how does each generation differ?

- Gen X tend to be self-reliant, largely because nobody looked after them when they were young. Their parents went to work and they’ve grown up to take care of their families. Gen X are the "Sandwich Generation" looking after both their children and parents.

- Gen Y grew up amid many changes, including new technology. Innovations like the internet, mobile phones, transport, urban growth, mean this generation love convenience. They also like to have fun. Gen Y is better educated and raised than the previous generations. Their parents made everything so perfect that Gen Y don't have to fight to help their families and receive more support than their parents did.

- Gen Z, the "new generation", grew up with a colorful world of rapidly evolving and changing technology. Unsurprisingly, they have different abilities and adapt fast to new things. They can do a lot of things. In social media, Gen Z set trends such as working from an early age.

What are the generations doing nowadays?

-Gen X people are considered the most experienced generation. They are now in executive roles and advising younger generations like Gen Y. Gen X have progressed professionally and financially but don’t have extravagant habits.

- Gen Y are of working age and earning to the full while physically or mentally capable. They are money-savvy but big spenders. Gen Y are shopaholics and spend on vacations to escape stress and live a slow life.

- Gen Z are mostly in school or just starting to work. They lack the financial strength and experience of their seniors but learn fast and have outstanding abilities. They also care about the environment and healthcare.

What will the future bring each generation?

-Although in many respects they seem completely different, each generation will have to face the future with environmental problems that may affect everyone’s health and lives.

- Gen X, despite financial and security concerns, still want a perfect retirement, mentoring youngsters and enjoying hobbies.

- Gen Y, though still of working age, aim to retire early, with time to do what they love. Many Gen Y are starting to plan their investments or earn money through additional channels, such as being influencers or YouTubers. This generation will live longer than previous generations.

- Gen Z are growing up to be an important part of the workforce. In their era, everything changes even faster. Gen Z may become NFT traders or experts in Blockchain or the Metaverse.

In comparing generations, do you have stories or insights to share? Please give your views!

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