Next Normal of Digital Documents

ARTICLES | Nov 19, 2021
Next Normal of Digital Documents
Next Normal of Digital Documents

Digital documents are redefining privacy in the Next Normal era, especially as people around the world rely on COVID-19 vaccination or immunity documents for travel. 

The European Union has started using digital and physical COVID-19 passports (EUDCC) to permit travel in Europe. Since 1 July, these include details such as vaccination (date-time/number of needles/type of vaccine/company producing vaccine), infections, and test results 48-72 hours before departure. 

Travelers can use a QR code or print the document to confirm their disease-free status at the immigration checkpoint of their destination. 

What are the implications of COVID-19 documents? There are many... Above all, we need immunity or good health in the Next Normal, including for travel. Only healthy people will be able to travel, work, study, and live normally. People prone to illness or who lack access to healthcare may be excluded. 


Implications for the future 

- Healthcare will be more holistic and connected to travel. 

- Health may determine our human rights and freedoms and may determine our future, including in tourism and travel. 

- A health system without equal access to all will widen economic and social divides, bringing fundamental inequalities. 


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