Why Gen X is the "Sandwich Generation"

ARTICLES | Jan 09, 2022
Why Gen X is the "Sandwich Generation"

Did you know that about a quarter of Thais belong to Gen X, also known as the "Sandwich Generation"?

Gen X are 41-56 years old (born from 1965 to 1980) and are estimated to make up 25.31% of Thais (16,435,648 people). They will definitely be planning their retirement soon.

How did Gen X become the “Sandwich Generation”?

- Gen X are known as the “Sandwich Generation” because they’ve taken on the burden of looking after both their children and parents. They often buy homes too.

Childhood made Gen X strong

- Gen X grew up with parents who worked. They came home from school to empty homes. They’ve looked after themselves since childhood, which has made them strong and self-reliant. They love freedom and don’t follow convention.

Gen X today are entering middle age

- Gen X are often at high levels, An active citizen who continues to perform well even in retirement as executives or business owners. They grew up looking after family members. They had debts to manage. They spend carefully. If they find something worthwhile they won’t switch to another brand easily. They still have a lot of responsibilities so might ignore trends and fashion.

Gen X’s retirement plans

- Gen X will be entering retirement in a few years. But they want to continue as before. Deep down, they are still worried about money. They worry that mightn’t have the retirement they had hoped for.

- They are also worried about the environment. When they get old, they expect to live in a bad environment, with pollution, PM2.5, garbage. They know it could affect their health.

What have they lived through?

- Gen X have lived through the Cold War, the HIV epidemic, and the beginning of technology like computers and video games. They may miss the old times but it all turned out quite memorable for them.

Which Gen X people do you know?

-Here are 3 examples of Gen X:

1.Elon Musk, the businessman and investor who founded SpaceX and Tesla.

2.Cate Blanchett, the award-winning actor.

3.Nualphan Lamsam President and Chief Executive Officer, Company owner, Fashion leader and plays an important role and contribution to the Thai national football industry.

Let us know your opinions and stories about Gen X. Share your insights under this post.

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