Global Warming that Visits The North

ARTICLES | Jun 23, 2021
Global Warming that Visits The North

Will cooler, northern regions provide a refuge from global warming? In fact, no latitude will be safe from global turmoil. FutureTales LAB has looked at Finland in the Arctic Circle to explore how climate change can affect us all.

-Global turbulence has brought both heat waves and cold snaps. Electrical machinery, transport systems, utility systems, and our bodies are all affected.

- Warmer weather might cheer up some people. But it’s a threat to the culture and lifestyle of the indigenous Sami people. Tourist destinations like Lapland will also suffer from reduced snowfall and shorter winters.

- Wild animals that have lived in cold conditions for millennia are also under threat. They might have to change their behavior to survive and their long-term lifecycles could suffer.

- A longer rainy season in winter can spread gloom and increase cases of depression.

Global turmoil, in fact, means northern regions could suffer more intense and far-reaching changes than the tropics. But everyone is at risk directly, indirectly, or both!

Implications for the future

- Sustainable urban development strategies are indispensable in businesses that are highly connected to the climate and environment, such as tourism and agriculture.

- Systematic understanding and skills will enable us to come up with solutions that are resilient to climate change.

- Many cultural heritages and traditions will gradually disappear due to permanent environmental shifts in a fast-changing world.


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