Hazy Skies Becoming Normal

ARTICLES | Apr 01, 2020
Hazy Skies Becoming Normal

COVID-19 is now our greatest threat, but toxic PM2.5 dust still hangs over much of Thailand and also calls for urgent action. Chiang Mai’s air pollution is now among the worst in the world. We cannot see when efforts will be made to fix this. If we continue to ignore it, one day the situation will seem normal.

High levels of PM2.5 are proven to have long-term effects on your lungs and your ability to breathe. Residents have to make calculated changes to their daily routine to limit exposure. Worried about the health and safety of their families, they may even relocate somewhere safer.

FutureTales Lab forecasts that not everyone can risk such drastic action. Workers on low incomes, in particular, are suffering from cancelations and closures. They already struggle to afford particle masks or air filters. Now, even basic wages are uncertain. The outlook for their health and well-being is as hazy as the skies they live under.

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