The Limits of AI

ARTICLES | Nov 29, 2021
The Limits of AI
The Limits of AI

We need to define the limits of AI now… before it’s too late! 

The danger that AI will replace humans hasn’t gone away. In fact, we have more bad news for you. 

Researchers have found that AI in social media platforms can learn to control our emotions by studying our response to posts against our values and beliefs. Another study found that AI can control our decisions by analyzing what we post and by spotting sensitive or vulnerable areas that affect our decisions. 

Experimenters used AI to influence humans who were told to press a button when they saw a sign such as an orange triangle. The subjects pressed the button with other marks, showing how machines can fool us and alter our actions. This glimpse of their power shows how they might control our minds as well. Preventing the misuse of AI is as important as developing the technology. 


Implications for the future: 

-Misuse of AI can be prevented through knowledge of ethics so everyone in society questions the boundaries of technology. 

- Ignoring ethical education for AI could lead to the collapse of world systems and humankind. 

- Taking control of AI from some agencies should be monitored carefully. 


Source :,,, 

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