Restaurants of The Future

ARTICLES | Nov 05, 2021
Restaurants of The Future
Restaurants of The Future

Restaurants around the world are evolving technology and design to give you the best possible experience. FutureTales Lab by MQDC has some insights for you today on restaurant styles of the future. 

Restaurants in China are adapting to new-gen tastes. A kaiseki restaurant in Shanghai now lets customers taste omakase in a different atmosphere with fuchsia decorations and robots to serve delicious rice balls. Restaurants of the future will also feature advanced technology, including robots, AI, and holograms and 3D projections to display food options. 

• Spyce restaurant in Boston created a buzz with “The Spyce Kitchen Robot”, which cooks instead of chefs. 

• Samsung's Bot Chef has voice support for preparing dishes. 

• Hololamp uses augmented reality (AR) to help you order. The menu appears as a 3D image on your table. 

• Mozo, a robot waiter, serves at a restaurant in Egypt, taking and serving orders to comply with social distancing during the pandemic. 

Implications for the future 

• Service workers will be replaced by robots so must develop skills for future work changes. 

• Non-human contact services will increase. We will become more familiar with robots in everyday life, which will bring laws to control robot workers. 

• Traditional restaurants may survive, with an attractive ambiance and accessible pricing. 



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