Workplace Wellness Services

ARTICLES | Mar 16, 2021
Workplace Wellness Services

Death from overwork is a worldwide issue, perhaps because new technology has blurred the line between our home and work lives until mental health problems affect our physical health.

More and more companies around the world are looking into the health of their employees to boost workplace well-being. Programs cover diet, yoga, and personal health through digital platforms. Health initiatives can include health clinics at work and standing desks. Corporate health programs are forecast to top US $60 billion by 2023.

A study by ASSOCHAM found that 42.5% of employees in the private sector are at risk of depression or anxiety. Comprehensive corporate health programs should include mental health, as it’s essential to overall quality of life. Healthcare programs can treat chronic illnesses, reduce absenteeism, tackle stress, and raise employee engagement, improving productivity to the benefit of both the employer and employee.

Implications for the future

- Welfare of employees may be the main factor in determining an organization's standards and whether its employees stay or leave.

- The right to good physical and mental health at work will become a workforce demand. Organizations will provide mental health insurance to protect their employees.

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